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Friday, January 31, 2025

Brief Analysis of 'Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup'


In 2015 I wrote an extensive analysis of the ‘9/11 Truth Documentary—Grave Implications.’ In November of 2021, knowing that ‘health measures’ like the wearing of masks, the lock-downs, and the Covid-19 vaccines were unnecessary, harmful, and rooted in the love of power and money, I heard a well-spoken man argue the old saw that ‘9/11 was an inside job.’ The response to Covid-19 being an ‘inside job,’ as it were, made me consider what this man was saying about 9/11 being an ‘inside job.’ This man articulated his view so well and so convincingly that I decided to watch the 9/11 documentary that he recommended, called ‘Loose Change 9/11: an American Coup.’ I did not subject ‘Loose Change’ to the scrutiny that I had subjected ‘Grave Implications’ to. But I took a few notes as I watched the film.  

I do not object to the allegation that the US government was at least negligent enough in its duties that 9/11 could have, and should have, been foiled. But this is far from agreeing that the 9/11 acts of terrorism were evil deeds concocted and brought to pass from the ‘inside.’ I am relieved to see, in light of what I have already written about 9/11, that few points are needed to cast doubt on the ‘Loose Change’ thesis that ‘9/11 was an inside job.’ 

Point number one: When President Bush ‘claimed, more than once,’ that ‘he saw the first strike live on television.’ I don’t get what this is supposed to prove—something about timing, maybe that he saw the strike as an eyewitness while everyone else saw it on television later, which would mean, I guess, that he somehow colluded to make 9/11 happen. What President Bush meant by this ‘claim’ was that he saw the first strike on the first tower ‘live’ in the sense in which we all saw it: in replays on television of it happening in real time.   

Point number two: On the presence of neo-thermite in or on the tiny piece of debris that was examined. The detection of neo-thermite is supposed to prove that explosives were used to take the towers down. I don’t know if neo-thermite has to have come from explosives. But suppose that this is the rule. And suppose that neo-thermite was found. What would this prove? If the apartment of a soldier that I visited in 1990 or so had been destroyed by a plane crashing into it, neo-thermite would probably have been found in the debris. How come? Because this soldier, which is common to do among soldiers, had collected used ordnance memorabilia. How many articles of used ordnance memorabilia must have been contained in twin towers that were among the largest buildings ever to have stood on the earth since the beginning of the world—twin towers that hundreds of military aficionados worked in? 

Point number three: On the puffs of smoke that may be observed, on slow motion video, just below the levels at which the buildings are collapsing. These puffs of smoke are supposed to prove that explosives were planted in the buildings and that the charges are going off as the buildings are coming down. What’s really happening? These puffs of smoke are natural explosions caused by pressure. This can be demonstrated by crushing a cardboard cup or an empty box of tissue with your foot. Air is forced outward as these items are crushed from the top. You can actually feel the air rush out as you do this. 

Point number four: About what happened at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. It is accepted by almost all of us that on 9/11, Flight 77 flew into the Pentagon and Flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. In ‘Loose Change’ we are told that no airliners were involved in either of these events. What ‘truthers’ never address—and what is not addressed in ‘Loose Change’—are the locations of the airliners, the passengers, and the crews of these two flights. Where are they? Are these airliners parked somewhere? Have the people that were on them been abducted by aliens? We are not told. We are not told because every answer that could be proffered would sound insane. 

9/11 ‘truther’ videos are good for nothing except for use in teaching principles of critical thought. They are useful only in this negative sense. They take things out of context. They are scientific up to a point; that is, they break down analytically. And they have no good answers—sometimes no answers at all—to the hardest questions. 

The hardcore conspiracy theorist—the kind that refuses to receive reasonable answers to good questions—likes to leave the event that he theorizes about, unresolved in some aspects. He likes to leave some aspects of the event hanging because this makes his dull life at least sort of mysterious; and it gives him an excuse to revisit the event an indefinite number of times. It is his hobby to talk about it; and if he can make the hobby his bread and butter also, so much the better in his estimation, and so much the happier is he because of it. But 9/11 is more than just his hobby. It is as difficult to get a hardcore 9/11 conspiracy theorist to give up his hobby as it is to drag the heroin addict away from his drug; 9/11 ‘truthing’ is the radical conspiracy theorist’s favorite drug—a drug more addictive by far than speculating about other mysterious events, like the assassination of JFK, for example. JFK speculation is just a gateway drug to 9/11 ‘truthing.’ JFK speculating is just low grade marijuana; 9/11 ‘truthing’ is the nastiest heroin. It’s the dirtiest, most addictive gutter-drug that a conspiracy devotee can get into his mind. What do we have in the JFK assassination? We have a president, his first lady, a motorcade, a grassy knoll, a hidden shooter, and brains blown out: BORING. That’s boring compared to what has happened since. No event is more exciting to the hardcore conspiracy enthusiast than the event known as 9/11 because 9/11 has more bells and whistles than you can blow a party horn at: skyscrapers, airliners, hijackers, jet fuel, fire trucks, infernos, implosions, blood, smoke, fear, screams, begging, pleading, panic suicides, and utter pandemonium. You’d think this would be enough, but NO. Correction, maybe to the conspiracy zealot this many bells and whistles amounts to an overdose; this is why he takes a couple of airliners out. This omission, like Narcan, brings him back to life; and he is so glad to be back among the living. But now, because of the sobering effect of Narcan, he needs to be re-inebriated. So he watches a couple of 9/11 videos, being careful, this time, to come short of an overdose by pretending that Flight 77 and Flight 93 never crashed. Then he lies back on his easy chair once again, relieved to be back under the heady influence of his favorite drug; and with his inebriated conspiratorial pals, he begins, for the thousandth time, to carelessly discuss what pathetic mourners only cry about. Don’t disturb the 9/11 ‘truther’ by asking him hard questions that he needs to leave unanswered for the continued, ongoing, never-ending enjoyment of his preeminent drug. 

What should the 9/11 ‘truther’ be doing instead of getting high on 9/11 conspiracy theories? He should be doing what we all should be doing: “redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5.16.) Why treat time as precious? It should be treated as precious because it is a limited resource. After it is gone, there is no more time to turn to God and place faith in Christ for salvation. If faith is not obtained and repentance is not undertaken, sin, instead of being forgiven, will be judged. And being judged for sin will be worse than 9/11 because punishment for sin will be everlasting.

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