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My Coming Out Story

  I wrote this in 2015; it is now 2025; I neglected to post it.  I didn’t know who Bruce Jenner was until he ‘identified’ as a woman. The st...

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Jeremiah the prophet uses the phrase ‘desperately wicked’ to describe the natural condition of the heart of man. Only God knows how wicked this heart can become. But sometimes through the news we learn something about what God knows, don’t we?

This hideous ‘homosexual pedophile’ has not and will not receive a full penalty for his crimes, not in Canada, and not in this life. Notice that he molested the boy in question after ‘a previous similar conviction.’ If our country were not so godless, and therefore more for exacting a penalty and less for recommending ‘treatment,’ the boy had been saved from being assaulted by this grossly indecent monster. This clipping from The Edmonton Sun is dated, September 23, 2003. And so this child molesting creep has been free to molest yet again since many years ago. God will hold the judge responsible for any further crimes! I tell you, he’ll share the blame!

Our godless society and court system do not believe there is an absolute standard for determining what is right and what is wrong. Hence the false, lenient judgment. And being atheistic, Canada’s Bench offers no hope that justice will prevail in the Afterlife any more than it does in this life. Our judges sacrifice our children on the altar of their godless philosophy just as certainly as Israel at her worst sacrificed her children to the gods she went whoring after.

But victims of obscenity, take heart! There is a perfect ‘back-up plan’ when the Government refuses to bear the sword against evildoers (Romans 13.) God himself will take up his own Sword at the End of Time. Heathens may break God’s righteous rules and think they’ll get away with it; judges may scorn True Law and dream up lawless sentences instead; but “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh” (Psalm 2.)

Yet poor victimized soul, you must know that your own heart is desperately wicked also, maybe not nearly so wicked as the heart of your sex assaulter’s, but bad enough and vulgar enough that without salvation from sin by Jesus Christ you must be locked out of heaven as surely as the pedophile must be locked into hell. Now what consolation will it be that the grimy molester is finally judged if you wind up just a little above him in the bowels of hell? Or what if he gets saved and you don’t?! It can happen. Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14.1.) Believe means ‘trust.’ Put your sins away and put your confidence in Jesus! And he that ascended into heaven will receive you!

Monday, January 3, 2011


There is a similarity so striking between our present generation and a certain bunch of sinners mentioned in the Bible that every time I go through Revelation I am awed by it. This report from The Edmonton Sun, August 5, 2003 is the best example of this generation that I have in my archives.

I don’t presume to know exactly what plagues are released by the blowing of the sixth trumpet in the Apocalypse. But I know for sure that the stubborn sinners of Revelation 9.20, 21 are no worse than, and the same in nature and attitude as, those who returned to the Bali bar when it reopened. Here is that Scripture passage, “And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” These sinners won’t quit their dens of sin, their needless consumption of luxury goods, their rowdy behavior, their drugs and drinking, their unmarried sex, their stealing, and their ungodly ways. That’s what’s going on both in the Bible passage and this Bali bar.

Of course the terrorists were wrong to bomb the bar. But in our concern and anger about that we must be careful not to miss this more important point: that when sinners are blasted while in the act of sinning, this is a reminder from God to obey his command to turn from sin, and to do so without delay.

Now what sins have you been hammered for while still in the act? Maybe your hangover started before you finished getting hammered. Maybe you got nailed in the act of breaking and entering.  Sin can boomerang like that. And then later what did you do? Return to do it all over again like the dog that returns to its vomit? Beware! If you die in that stubborn state you’ll be forever doomed and damned to misery and agony! You’ll end up being cast into that unquenchable fire where those unrepentant, spiritual cripples of Revelation must certainly go! “Tormented with fire,” the Bible says! (Revelation 14.10.) How can I make you take it seriously? Only the Holy Spirit can. There can be no repenting after death, no Jesus for you then. Be saved by Jesus now. Trust him now. Leave your sins and take his forgiveness. “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6.2.) Have you not heard that Jesus came into this world to save? That he died on the cross for sin? That he rose from the grave? That he’ll grant LIFE to the just and JUDGMENT to the wicked? “Behold, now is the day of salvation.”