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My Coming Out Story

  I wrote this in 2015; it is now 2025; I neglected to post it.  I didn’t know who Bruce Jenner was until he ‘identified’ as a woman. The st...

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Red Deer Advocate, November 10th, 2011. What does the modern-day feminist do when she gets breast cancer? She poses in the nude, of course. This is not the punch-line to a joke. The pictures were splayed all over our local paper! The article, the caption of which is pasted in here, is very careful to add the necessary details behind the nude photos: ‘The SCAR Project’—the ‘Breast Fest’—the women, ‘topless, scars exposed.’ This is all supposed to be okay because it’s ‘dedicated to breast cancer awareness.’ Who would dare say anything against that which has become the goddess of awarenesses? I would, and will.  

The following statistics off CBC radio from Karen Greve Young at Medical and Related Sciences (MaRS): Colorectal cancer kills 70% more Canadians than breast cancer does. But 36 times more money goes to fight breast cancer than colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is very screenable, and therefore often treatable through this measure, yet few persons are screened.

Feminist propaganda is gone so far into the gutter that breast cancer victims are solicited into posing nude in order to further the cause to fight the disease, even if it’s at the expense of victims of other forms of cancer. That is the sick nature of feminism: to first look after your great Self, and if the next person doesn’t happen to be in the right cancer camp, that’s just too bad! 

These are ‘heart-wrenching portraits,’ just as the article says (thankfully not titillating nor tempting, though the posers keep their chins up to put on a sexy front.) But they are heart-wrenching, not just because the black work of cancer is evident, but because the pictures reveal that the curse of disease has not yet accomplished its positive work on these women. It’s hard to put my finger on exactly why, but I have ten times more respect for women who pose for nude magazines than I have for these posers for cancer. Well, I guess it’s for this reason: the surprising revelation that women you would have shown respect to are as full of ‘dead men’s bones’ as those who’ve been posing for magazines like Playboy all along. And it’s for this reason: curses like cancer are poured out on us in order to turn us from our iniquities (Daniel 9.10-13), but these women invite even more judgment upon our people by adding sin to a sin-caused curse! What bad examples they are who rebel against God by sinning in the face of what he sends to cause them to repent!

Maybe you think that cancer is just random or environmental, and that therefore God has no hand in that gnawing plague. Dear reader, if you don’t yet understand that God can’t be God unless everything that happens be in his hand, then you’re probably in no better relationship to him than these posing hussies are. Cancer is a terrible weapon, a sharp scythe to cut through the toughest sinews and the most precious marrow. Whatever your disease or type of cancer, may it be used by the Spirit of God to cut through to your heart and turn it towards your Creator for mercy. Hell is worse than all forms of cancer combined. It is therefore imperative for disease to do a good work in you before you die. Consider the word ‘all’ in this Bible text: “All this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities” (Daniel 9.13.) May this frighten you to a change of heart and a turn from your many sins. “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart” (Psalm 34.18.)


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely the worst drivel I have ever read. What a towering high-horse you must sit on, to pass judgement on women who have been braver and stronger than you could ever be (I am assuming you are a man).

You think your words make you brave, speaking out like the preachers of the 19th century that you so admire, but instead you are a cowardly, lonely person with nothing better to do than sit in front of your computer and write as many words it will take to match the size or your ego.

thebibleandthenews said...

This post will shock persons who have no knowledge of conservative 19th century theology, which is the truer theology, and which every cautious writer of biblical matters ought to emulate. 17th century Puritan theology is even better. I strive to be a Puritan at heart.

thebibleandthenews said...

Oh, and one more thing. Women who pose nude aren't brave, whether they have cancer or not. To use a gentle word, they are 'hussies.' It does take a little courage, though, to reprove hussies who flaunt their cancer in our faces in a lewd manner.

Unknown said...

The Bible is largely a bunch of gibberish surrounding a few timeless nuggets of common sense. Your posts are the same, except minus the nuggets. Every human on the planet has cancer cells inside them. When yours sprout and grow into a terminal illness, I hope that someone shows you the same kind, gentle understanding which you demonstrated in this ridiculous, childish post.

thebibleandthenews said...

The Bible is the wisdom of God for sinful man. It is the revelation of God's plan of redemption. That plan is what I depend upon, whether I die of cancer or something else.

Cancer victims have no more right to flaunt their nudity than healthy persons do. They must be told to repent. Someone must be bold enough to tell them. I volunteer. Everyone must be told the truth, no matter what disease they have. The truth is what I want people to tell me. Insults do me little good.

Unknown said...

You take the time to arrogantly assume your interpretation of God's will is the correct one, and you insult others on your blog, so I was merely returning the favor. The god you claim to worship is not one I have any interest in. We are born naked. Man invented clothing, not God.

thebibleandthenews said...

God's will is to punish unrepentant people, and to discipline those who have repented. The insult here is that hussies think they have a right to pose nude just because they have cancer. God invented clothing as a covering for the shame that came about through sin. Home-made fig leaves would not do. God spilled animal blood to provide adequate clothing from skins. Then he gave the blood of Jesus to cover sin and shame for good.

Unknown said...

You are clearly delusional for claiming God invented clothing. May God grant you the wisdom to be as loving as Jesus was someday. Goodbye.

thebibleandthenews said...

You are clearly ignorant of the Bible. Jesus believed in Genesis, where I got my information on clothing from. And he said: "He that is not with me is against me" (Matthew 12.30.) Think about that: this loving Jesus is your Judge unless you repent. And it is loving of me to say so.

Anonymous said...

hi Mark. This is Patrick. your blogs are of great interest!

thebibleandthenews said...

Thanks, Pat. I appreciate that you get something out of them.

Anonymous said...

I may be late to comment on that posting, but I have to say this was a disgust to read.

According to you "God can’t be God unless everything that happens be in his hand". That literally means god is responsible for everybody's sins, and then he punishes people for it. Don't you understand how abject your god is to punish people for his own flaws?

But god is perfect right? So by definition he can't exist cause a perfect being could no do wrong. So your god can't exist. That's good. Now think about your own "sins" and try being a good person.

thebibleandthenews said...

Not one molecule can be without God's control. If something is beyond the control of God, then God is not God. Even the death of a sparrow is controlled by God, as in Matthew 10.29. Do predestination and sovereignty mean that God is responsible for sin? Romans 9 says no. I believe the Bible. The Divine Potter has not only ordained that sin should occur, but he goes on to decide what sinner he will save from sin. "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? (Romans 9.21.)